Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Information Meeting

Just a reminder that an information meeting for PARTICIPANTS in the Science Fair will be held at Grassroots Coffee Shop in Downtown Thomasville on November 1 at 7:00.

Come on out!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is there time?

THIS WEEK--Develop questions and purpose

October 27 to November 2--Background Research
November 3 to November 9--Develop Procedure and Materials List
November 10 to November 16--Perform Experiment
November 17 to November 23--Analyze Data
November 24 to November 30--Form Conclusions
December 1 to December 7--Assemble backboard
December 8 to December 11--Emergency fixes!

There is plenty of time to do your projects!! Plan it out and have fun!

And don't forget the resource section on this page. There is a great Science Fair Guide you can download.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Call for Judges

We will need a panel of judges to examine each project and score it according to a rubric.

The team will be composed of:

1) Homeschool parent--someone who currently homeschools or has many years of experience homeschooling.

2) Scientist--someone with a background in science, like a doctor, a veterinarian, a pharmacists, an engineer, etc.

3) A member of the community--someone involved in community activities, like a business man or the director of a community organization

Judges may NOT have a child participating in the fair.

We would prefer the judges to plan on being involved at the fair from 11-3, with a break for lunch. However, if he/she can only be present for certain categories, we might be able to arrange shifts.

If you are interested, please contact:

Joy Slaughter
quiverfull at gmail dot com


An informal meeting to discuss the science fair will be held on:

NOVEMBER 1, 2013

at 7:00


in Downtown Thomasville

Demonstration v. Experiment

Please note that all science projects need to be experiments that address a very definite question. While volcanoes and solar systems are fascinating, the science fair is about exploring the scientific method.

DECEMBER 11, 2013

The Thomasville Homeschool Science Fair has been set for December 11, 2013. It will be held at the Thomas County Library in Thomasville. Start thinking of project ideas!